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Season 2




Keep by all means

1. Low stamina and low health

2. Automatic consent---no secondary consent. Anybody. Anytime

3. Fade to black at any time for any reason





Low Harvest Rate

Kingdoms only 1 territory

Higher pvp and more natural frequency

Cat driven economy---10 cats you stay ---20 you migrate north partially...30 ect






A shit ton of rules

Almost all of "how to play"

Easy survivability

High building piece limit











............The Darfari Trail of Tears


Ideas--the gods force the exiles to play this what happened in the movie  "The Hunger Games"


The gods will strike dead anyone that uses iron or steel, or better armor than the gods allow---Every clan will be darfari oriented..grass huts, pallisade sticks for fefense building and natural terrain only


1.) To make this a balanced and fun capture game, which would require taking Conan out of the game

a.) player strengths and weaknesses need balance before fine tuning the stamina and health and weapon damage


b).---Weapons and armor must be equal, therefore serious limitations on both armor and weapons--we are looking at Flint arrows and simple bows and  stone melee weapons only. This will allow all players to have a level playing field. It has been impossible to make a noob to the server take more than one arrow before getting downed while at the same time making a fully leveled player with good armor weak enough to get downed with anything less than 100 (hypothetical number)  arrow hits in a short time span, while hoping they dont drink aloe during that time span.. we have to take the grind and the climb for cowardly, superior strength out of the game. Everyone must feel vulnerable as they try to conquer.


c.---players must understand this will not be "Conan" at all. At all. None notta zip


d.) take away all distractions that subtract  form pvp, which include the grind that people work at which increases their armor protection and increases their strength of weaponry.-all of these promotions to get better armor and more stamina and better weapons are all ploys by funcom to make players play their game for more hours, and do NOTHING to help a true and COMPETITIVE pvp game--focus must be taken away from all of that.


e.--game will have to be structured to keep all the enemies close in geographic proximity to each other at least most or all of the time-----------develop the game to be geographic graduations towards a other words all clans must reside in the same territory (map grid) throughout the entire seasonal the season progresses, we move into new territories and again , all build camp in the same territory.  Possibly the winning clan of the week moves ahead one territorial square


..Also, Every clan will be darfari clans, setting up villages with no locked doors. Making for easy battles without the need for the resources for explosives ect,, that take up too much time and take away from capture rp time....Darfari armor only,, possibly we will need to color code each clan for clarity of who is who in each battle.
























Linas ideas


  1. ​

    Ok let me add some thoughts. I think the only stable way to provide more PvP is to attract more players to the game. Though we may do something already now. It is just my thoughts, I do not insist on them, just for the discussion:

    1. Divide all the clans on two hostile Empires: like West vs East or North vs South. Peace is impossible because of the ideological reasons like Goreans vs Earthlings or Dark gods vs Light gods e tc. (The Empire does not mean the one big clan, there can be multiple clans with their own stories and styles but they are allied as an Empire)

    2. ​

    This will make not so annoying to fight multiple battles in weekend, so there will be max two battles (offensive and defensive) and more players who may take part (even if some will be unable because of RL etc). May be even make the rule there is only one battle in turn (this week Empire 1 attacks Empire 2 and next weekend vice versa). It will involve the majority of server in the battles and will make them more epic.

  2. ​

    1. Players have the best armor/weapon and well protected behind double walled castles? Then revise the economy: make pippy money only accessible for capturing other players or participating events. So if you want to get the armor scraps by the thespian then you need to earn pippi money, and to earn them you need to capture a player (or take part in an event) and RP them and then get the pippi money from admin (it does not require much efforts from admin I believe)

    2. ​

    3. ​

    Also, to make players less protected you could make NPCs more strong and bosses more challenging. So people will not get the rare resources so easily as now. May be lower the harvest rate also - so progress of protection will grow slower. Again, sell rare resources for the pippi money (and we know how to earn them, see above). So, combining these measures - slower harvest rate, increased strenght of NPCs and pippi money only for captives, events and may be some RP situations, will bring the compromise Wolf wants - less protection, slower progress




      Lack of RP? Then make the starting city as RP hub with no KOS but "RP before capture". Let call this hub Sardair Fair under PK protection. May be it is possible to come up with some RP events there, for participation in which to pay: like slave auctions, brothel activities, tournaments e tc. Some ideas: slave auction, buyer pays with funcom coins for a slave, admin converts them to pippi money for the seller. The same for brothel e tc.
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    6. others.. 

    7. rp hub safe zone









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