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Rules, the don'ts


Prequel---make your discord name in our discord channel the same name as your in game character. You do not need to change your discord profile to do this.

1.) Don't be a dick. or a twat

2.) Never use the portals or any form of teleports/warps to escape pursuit. The rabbits never know when the fox stops chasing for certain, so it is a rule that you can not use the portals again after a skirmish or threat of one until after you reach home safely by foot or horse.  Do not use portals to travel to a scheduled battle. You must travel by ground and accept risk of ambush!

3.)  Do not kill another players thralls unless you are in direct battle with the other player that owns them. Furthermore, if you defeat the other player and his thralls cease to fight, do not continue to destroy the thralls. Also, Do not pick off another players' NPCs unless you are involved in an active battle with the owner of the thralls.



3.B. Do not climb a cliff to shoot down into another player's camp. Conan allows  humans to climb like ants. Silly, and we do not want to force all players to put rooves on their camps.  It would be too many building pieces. Cliffs can be the 4th wall to save building pieces by nearly 25% and we encourage that so NO CLIMBING CLIFFS to drop down into camps.  You may shoot down into a camp if you can walk higher than the camp and shoot down, but if you have to climb up, then no shooting down into a camp.


4.) Stealing from a sleeping offline player is only allowed if the sleeper is not behind a closed door. The assumption here is that you fell asleep and were found, knocked over the head and your items stolen. HOWEVER, it is incumbent

on the thief to contact the victim to discuss whether or not the victim opened their eyes and identified the thief or not. Please cooperate with each other and roll the dice if you cannot agree. 50/50 chances

4.) There is no rule#4.  How about that?

5.)  Do not get attached to your role-play partners and do not get attached to the cities or buildings (Kingdoms)  that you build, we are
gearing the server to keep from being stale and have many constant changes, from rags to riches and riches to rags. Expect it, and enjoy the fluid changes as they happen.
      The harvest rate will be set just high enough so you can rebuild without too much harvesting effort so there is nothing to have a sore ass about.

6.)  Rule #6 was erased.  How about that shit? Must not have been worth it to begin with.

7.) Do not build anything that blocks access to anything or pathways to anywhere. (Points of Interest are access to recipes emotes, ghosts, animal babies, mini-bosses, bosses; or important resource access, e.g. rare lotus plant, brimstone, major iron deposits) special note-living near or within a resource area is not the same as blocking the resource area from other players.


8. There is no rule 8



9.) Cliff climbing to get into camps is not allowed. Neither up nor down.

A) Climbing cliffs is allowed for Normal Conan stuff and also for open field battles and fights and chases and ambushes, but never shoot from a cliff to shoot down into afort, a rampart or a wall


11. Limits on building pieces, placeables and followers.


New Rules.

12. No communications by whispers are allowed to aid or hinder anything or anybody.  Period. Whispers are not considered Conan Magic. We have birds and messages we can use with the Ravencrest mod. It takes 30 minutes for a bird to deliver a message. You are allowed to say in global to a person that you sent a bird, as a ooc heads up. That person has to wait for the birds arrival before he can act on that information---
You are allowed to whisper to anyone at anytime of course but using whisper to call for instant help when you get in trouble is bad rp

12.) --b.) Global Chat is no longer automatically considered IC information. If you wish your global message to be IC information, say so, and you may have to prove your character knows the information you are spreading.

13. The warping in or out of battle has been dealt with through server setings and no longer needs words.

14. No Instant help!  If you get captured, you have to play it out. Nobody will know unless there is an actual roleplayer as a witness, so if your friends show up to help you, you obviously cheated, wether through a wisper or by discord. Dont do it.

More on rule 14--Captor and captive can, after the first substantial roleplay decide on the odds of there being witnesses to their capture, which said odds should increase if they passed through public areas with npc's, and such odds should decrease if the captive was hooded and their identity was concealed during transport.  Work together. Sometimes the chances a captive was recognized will be zero!

Also more on rule 14---Consider your time online before you cage another player long term. (or any length of time that surpasses one roleplay) Consider their time. Consider the mutual time you will have to  share with them, and consider at least giving them work benches or chores for them to do things if you keep them restrained.  

15. Not allowed:--- building things that restrict access to  another players building or place.  (No building walls or things around another players fort or place)




Capitol City Clans


Kingdoms (capitol cities clans) If a King or Queen is all alone,

they have

2,000 building pieces 

300 placeables.

25 Minions (potential followers, thralls and animals) Maximum of 15 fighter thralls per base or fort                



If they have more than 1 person in the capitol city clan,

they are allowed

4,000 building pieces

300 placeables

35 Minions (potential followers, thralls and animals) Maximum of 15 fighter thralls per base or fort


These numbers will help keep a balance, most of the time when attacking a capitol city, depending on variables of course. The odds will be balanced more often, but not always. There is no ratio when attacking a capitol city for the purpose of Kingdom toppling (yet) but in the future there might be. 


In regards to fun, surprise looting attacks, that are not part of toppling a Kingdom,There is no ratio on them now, or ever. The key word there is surprise.



Non Capitol city clans get the following:



Clan of 1-----

500 building pieces 

100 placeables

12 Minions (potential followers, thralls and animals) Maximum of 10 fighter thralls per base or fort



Clan of 2 or more-----

2000 building pieces

200 placeables

18 Minions (potential followers, thralls and animals) Maximum of 10 fighter thralls per base or fort







Prequel--Make your in game name and your discord name the same.

1.)  Please DO attack people without prior role-play, although prior role-play is allowed.  If role-play precedes the fight, you must not attack while they are typing a response. Be fair.

2.)  You are free to travel the entire map.

3.  You must set up your mods as instructed by this website. Control L and Control H in game. See the instruction page.


​    You will be checked by an invisible admin. You will be contacted for compliance, and you will be given a short window of time to remedy

4) Every player must be in a clan, even if they start their own one person clan.  Players are all encouraged to join a clan or one of the Kingdoms.

5.)  You may settle in any kingdom. You will be considered a squatter until the King of that area finds you.














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