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Section 1

You come into the game. Set up the mods required, and you settle wherever you want. There are 7 Kingdoms open for claiming. To become one of the first 7 Kings or Queens, you can simply claim a Kingdom by finding one of these golden domes as pictured below. . There is information at the dome that you can use to start a ticket on our discord channel. If the information on your ticket is correct, you are awarded that Kingdom.


2-4-24-Major overhaul of this page--if you find confusion, please feel free to point it out. I feel there are duplication in language that needs to be removed, and another proof read or 2 must be done very soon


























Game of Kings is similar to both a click combat computer game and a board game such as risk, or stratego, or Dungeons & Dragons. Our structure allows constant progress and change. It allows a gamer with superior combat skills to have his or her advantage sometimes, but not always. At times you will find yourself staring at a map and thinking about actual strategy. At times your thrall and his strength will dictate the balance of territories, and at other times you can lose a territory with the roll of the dice. Of course, other times you will have to fight for things in pew pew gamer style.


Surprise attacks against clan bases and capitol cities ARE ALLOWED by EVERYBODY against ANYBODY, for looting and roleplay, but Kingdom toppling can only happen when it is either 1 of 2 scenarios and there is always a process for Kingdom toppling. The gods will not allow a kingdom to fall without the process they put in place. This is like their football season. We do not win the super bowl mid season. Getting to their super bowl is a lot like that. 


1. Kingdom vs Kingdom


2. A resident or squatter clan (non capitol city clan) , if living inside a Kingdom can topple the capitol city of that same Kingdom they live in., but it cannot topple Capitol Cities of other Kingdoms.   It can only attack and loot capitol cities of other Kingdoms.  There is a process for toppling Kingdoms, no matter who is trying to topple it. Any attack  outside of the process is always considered a looting attack and can never lead to the toppling of a Kingdom in any way.


Any clan is free to attack any settlement at anytime, including capitol cities. No announcement, warning, or ratio is needed. However, this is considered a looting raid attack and no political ramifications will result from the attack. Kings and Queens are not allowed, by the gods, to be killed as a result from any capture prior to his/her Kingdom from being toppled.




Added January 14, 2024----The Game of Kings methods of warfare listed below were created by the gods. If you ever wonder why  things and warfare have to be this way, it makes it easier if you understand the gods will it. WHat do the gods want? What drives them? More fighting and more war and more death.





Section 2 Definitions and Tidbits


The Kingdom refers to that Capitol City AND all of the territories within the entire Kingdom, which includes a gigantic area, (map grids) often forested. Rivers, Mountains. Game and natural resources and even other cities and settlements.


A Kingdom's "Capitol City" is defined as the settlement that his throne sits in, and the King lives in, and locations of all capitol cities are automatically public knowledge. If you want to live in secret and hiding, being King or Queen ARE NOT FOR YOU

Non Capitol City clans are just that. Clans that do not control a capitol city.  Also known as territory clans. They might be loyal to the Capitol City clan of the kingdom they live in, or they might be at war with them or anything in between.


Kingdoms control Territories. Each sector on the map will be considered a territory. Territories can change hands through combat and war. Boundaries will be redrawn after territories are conquered. One Kingdom can grow as another Kingdom Shrinks.


PVP-PVP means player vs player. It does NOT mean kill each other. The gaming community largely defines PVP as killing each other, which is stupid frankly. 


I-racing is PVP, but we dont try to kill each other. 


Here in the game of Kings we have an unconscious mod, so the death rate after an attack is low. More on that further down the page.


Resident Clans----Formerly known as "Non Capitol City Clans"-----They live in a territory controlled by a capitol city, and they may pay taxes to the Capitol city or they may resist.


Squatter Clans----Formerly known as "Non Capitol City Clans"----They live in a territory controlled by a capitol city, without the knowledge or permission of the King/Queeen of the controlling capitol city







 Section 3 You can be any one of the following,


  1. King or Queen, presiding over your capitol city and many terrirories. You can also become King or Queen by joining a capitol city clan and Usurping the power. Another way you can become King or Queen is to simply start a clan inside the Kingdom you wish to rule , and try to topple the capitol city. You can learn how in the rules. This is the hardest way.

  2. You can be a member of any capitol city clan. Usurping royalty from the inside is allowed

  3. Part of any clan that resides in any Kingdom. Taxpaying residents or squatters. They might hold titles such as an Earl, or a Lord. Earls and Lords are defined by each King as they see fit. These clans can try to overthrow the capitol city and take over that entire Kingdom.

  4. Slave.

  5. Traveling merchants or slavers.

  6. Anything else you can think of, but bear in mind you may be subject to the will of other people, especially if you plant your roots and home down inside a Kingdom





Section 4

Kingdom vs Kingdom attacks

(Capitol city vs Capitol City)


How many ways can a Kingdom be toppled

1-Kingdom vs Kingdom as outlined

2.-Coup De Tat   as outlined

3.-By Marraige/ which is another form of Coup De Dat, or at best an alliance formed

4. Resident or squatterClans from an outlying territory within the same Kingdom (resident or squatter clans from a  other kingdoms cannot do this




This section is a little complicated because we do not want cities to fall too quickly as a result of pew pew superiority and gamer skill. That may be the case on the final attack and thats ok at that point, but leading up to the final dreary day when those big, beautiful walls crumble must have some build up and some roleplay, and some building and natural occurring rivalries.


In fact, many of the rules or guidelines are for that same reason. It is easy to just blame the all powerful gods for some of the guidelines. That line of thinking converts ooc rules into IC "wishes of the gods"



In regards to capitol cities attacking other capitol cities (Kings vs Kings, or Queens)


Each Kingdom is allowed maximum of 1 attack on another Kingdom per week.  Announced on a weekday and executed on a weekend.



They announce on Monday through Friday which Kingdom they will attack during the following weekend, and specifically they are to announce which territory they will attack. (map grid) 




The territory they intend to attack can be against any Kingdom but limited to a territory which is on the perimeter of the attacked Kingdom.    You are building a "road"towards the sector that their capitol city lies in by conquering your way to that sector, one sector at a time. There must be natural access and no barriers to be climbed such as mountains.  Rivers can be forded, but mountains cannot be climbed by entire armies.   The gods said so, thats why.

  You can attack from the land of  a 3rd party Kingdom by either agreement or by pure courage, because the neutral Kingdom is allowed to bite your ass at anytime. Remember they know of your attack when you announce it.  Again, the gods make you announce it with great consequences that nobody would ever dare to challenge.


If you reach the territory that contains the capitol city before conquering 3 territories, then the  territory that the capitol city lies in will be divided into 4 quadrants and you will have to attain that magic number of 3 before toppling the Capitol city.


Attacking Army must travel by land (no portals) to that territory and they are not safe from anybody or anything. Remember Kingdom vs Kingdom attack notices are public knowledge ((on Discord)) per the gods.


The attack announcements will be made by announcing it in the proper discord channel before Saturday morning at 12 AM, EST, and the attacks must be approved by the admins, as they must check that the guidelines here have been met.    There will be times you will not be allowed to attack the territory you want, per the admins.

Make your announcement in Discord and the admins might approve it. If you dont get approval from the admins before the weekend, the defending King or Queen can oocly allow it if they think the ooc guidelines have been met.


A nice touch is to also send out birds/messages  using the Ravencrest Courier mod.



Removed the "rule" in green highlight Feb-25-2024, because this is meant to encourage the old motto "The Show Must Go on", . Week one with this rule or guideline and 2 territories failed to announce, and 2 other territories did not counter attack them and I clearly So we will try another new formula and you can see that below the green area.


Failure of you as a King or Queen to announce the attack by Saturday Morning at 12 AM EST will result in 2 other Kingdoms to announce an extra, additional attacks into their weekly queue, and the additional attacks will only be allowed against your Kingdom and your Kingdom only. The additional attacks cannot be announced until 12:00 AM EST each Saturday morning, and must be made in the proper discord channel. The early birds get the worm here. Only the first 2 to announce will be granted their extra attack.


Failure of you as a King or Queen to announce the attack by Saturday Morning at 12 AM EST will result in your lost ability to announce an attack on the following week. I will continue to change and eventually find the right the recipe to kill the stagnation of the Kingdom wars. This server is not a another builder's paradise where we get to bask in out beautiful works of art I remind you. You are building it with about a 15% chance of keeping it so you better fight for it. LOL.. In fact, even the winner might lose it depending on the formula we use for season 2





New Jan 29-2024 Once a Kingdom has conquered 3 territories of another Kingdom, that 3 time loser Kingdom no longer has the capabilities to wage offensive war against other Kingdoms and the gods will not allow it, and every week he will only be allowed to defend his fort or capitol city in a PVP attack only. The dice and thrall war feature will not be allowed for him/her. ---If the defending King or Queen at this point starts to become unavailable for the weekend fun, then this grey area will be addressed compassionately but assuredly.



Capitol Cities can never fall because of dice. This is the one time that pew pew power rules the roost.

A grey area is inevitable if a scheduling issue interferes with this final battle. We must all work together fairly if this should happen. It is not always going to be the defender that is a no show. When this happens we all have to be adults and give and take.  It may become obvious at some point if someone is gaming this grey area.  Please dont do it. The admins will likely rule against the defender (depending) and nobody wants to lose a Kingdom to an admin decision. There is no "rule" here yet.







Section 5

Territorial clans  (non capitol city clans)


Clans that are not a capitol city clan must announce M-F if they wish to attack the capitol city of the Kingdom they live in. They are only allowed to attack a capitol city of another Kingdom for looting and rp, (anytime 24/7) but it can never lead to the toppling of a Kingdom they dont live in. They can only topple the Kingdom they have squatted in or pay taxes in.  These pew pew raids of capitol cities by territorial clans are considered looting raids and not defeat of the capitol city. If the attacking clan defeats the capitol city, they must loot or kidnap or whatever and leave in short order, and pretend the massive army of the capitol city chased them away, and these clans escaped by the skin of their teeth. The capitol cities are considered to be big and strong, regardless of how few players they have there.  (this protects the Game of Kings from coming to a close too early)


Section 6 

Coup d'état PVP,




from within the capitol city clan can be role-played or pew pew performed 24-7, within the parameters described further down on the page.



The King is in charge of how to manage everything within his Kingdom. Imagine the possibilities if his tax rate is too high. There might be a coup!


To have a coup De Tat, you must live in the capitol city, and have the support of the majority of players from within the capitol city clan. You must have some roleplay leading up to it but no need to record it. Let the tension build for at least a week before you spring the plan into action.


To spring the plan into action, The King or Queen must be online. The traitors must be online obviously.  Most or all of them.


Pew pew is fine for now. We may add a dice roll in the future that would have to be won by the traitors in addition to winning the pew pew, but for now lets see how this goes.





Kingdoms merged by Marraige:



To Merge kingdoms via this way, there are some rules that are still heavy to achieve, to not make it easy and to make it worth the effort put in. They are as follows.

  1. A wedding date must be announced publicly for the entire server to know the date and time, even those that might want to attack the venue. Word of mouth would travel fast in times like these, so there is no way to keep a wedding that merges kingdoms secret, as its a very big deal.

  1. There must be atleast 3 players in attendance to act as a witness, they can not be in your own clan. This is so that the vows are valid and the claim of merging kingdom is valid.

  1. During the wedding, if either the bride or groom is kidnapped, then the wedding will have to be post poned and can not proceed without both parties being there. Meaning hire guards, do what you have to do, but make sure to be at your own wedding.

  1. A alter of the Gods must be made so it will bless the union in these lands, for their amusement or dealings or what have you, they brought you here, so the binding of two fates should be beheld by them.

And finally, rule number 5.

  1. Have fun. Even Conan was a slave, taken, captured. Do not fret losing, as every loss and win should add to the collective roleplay all together. Enjoy the good, the bad, and the ugly, and accept whatever comes your way.




Section 7 The AHDS Mod

5 unconsciousness before you die. When you die due to the setting of this mod, it is considered "an escape" from whatever killed you. You escaped buck naked and are lucky to have survived. Your character does not die unless someone captures you, and kills you in role-play. If you don't like being a captive, go on a hunger strike.





Section 8

The Processes of actual Kingdom Toppling


Bear in mind before you delve into this section, and remember, the act of typical pew pew or looting raids have nothing to do with the complications of this section. Your only restriction on typical pew pew raids is that it can never lead to the toppling of a Kingdom.  If you win against a capitol city, you should loot it or kidnap whoever and leave.  Your departure is considered a "narrow escape" with whatever loot or victims you take with you.



Overthrowing the king from within the capital city. A Coup De Tat

This will be largely a role-play effort before any fighting. There must be a conspiracy of the majority of capitol city players before any move is made against the king. All conspirators and the King, and the Kings loyalists from within the Capitol City must be online and actively participating in the actual coup d'état.  Then the move may be made with either fighting or poisons or drugs.  No thralls will be used in this case. Surprise attacks allowed.


Surprise Attacks by any Clan, including other capitol City Clans from other kingdoms


Surprise attacks against clan bases and capitol cities ARE ALLOWED by EVERYBODY against ANYBODY, but political ramifications are not always allowed.


Any clan is free to attack any settlement at anytime, including capitol cities. No announcement, warning, or ratio is needed. However, this is considered a looting raid attack and no political ramifications will result from the attack.


Looting is limited to 1 chosen chest to open. If it is empty, you choose another until you have some loot



 Any Captive can be taken but it is understood that the attacking clan cannot keep the city, per the gods 

Captives cannot be kept for more than 3 hours unless the role-players need longer.

Rescues can only be attempted after 2 hours and only if the captive is ready to be rescued. After a week the rescue can come whether or not the captive wants more rp or not.


 If a captive wants to stay with their captor, and be a traitor, then the traitor might have to fight for it when a rescue eventually comes.


Same looting rule applies to a successful rescue.


If a person breaks into the capitol city and successfully kicks the asses of multiple thralls and player or players, in this thriving capitol city, full of soldiers, this is not realistic but it is within the rules as a "looting attack".        In past seasons in Conan, Scum and SL, we allowed this super heroism in conjunction with a series of dice rolls to determine several possible outcomes. These will not be 50/50 rolls either. The odds must go against the loner.  I simply forgot to add this rule when I wrote these and for the remainder of this season , these attacks are considered a looting attack, and they must take the loot allowed (1 crate) and leave, narrowly escaping pursuit and capture.----



Incidental captures of roaming people


 ENCOURAGED. These types of captures can be permanent, no matter who you are. This includes royalty. Kings or Queens are allowed a daily dice roll to escape. Probability of escape will be 40%







Clans attacking capitol cities of Kingdoms they dont live in


See the section Surprise Attacks by any Clan, including capitol City Clans.







One Kingdom overthrowing another Kingdom


This can only be done at the direction of a King and his capitol city clan.


A Kingdom can overthrow another Kingdom only at the direction of the King and only after conquering 3 other territories (map sectors) in that Kingdom. Their 4th attack, can be waged against the capitol city for the final toppling of that Kingdom.

Special circumstance---In the case of the capitol city being in the first attacked territory because of its proximity to the border, a line will be drawn and the conqueror will  only win half of that territory, and it will be counted as 1 full territory.


Special Circumstance---Partial territories are considered full territories









Every Kingdom will attack one territory of another Kingdom per week.



Added on Jan 29th, 2024--AFter one Kingdom loses 3 territories to another Kingdom, the 3 time loser will no longer be allowed to attack for gaining back territories or winning , but at this time he/she will only be allowed to defend, and at this point the dice and thrall wars will be suspended for this 3 time loser, and his every defense, will be a PVP defense of his capitol city. Get ready to be captured, be a slave, or a homeless exile.  It is only a matter of time now


You must announce in a discord ticket Monday through Friday, which grid on the map you wish to attack. . The fight for that territory will occur on the weekend at a arranged and mutually agreed on time.


Surprise attacks are not allowed in regards to territorial disputes between Kingdoms.  ((Surprise attacks are allowed for all other reasons throughout the week.))


The reason for this is because of the beings that have imprisoned all of us exiles in these wastelands. They have made it clear that surprise attacks for territories will result in absolute annihilation of the Kingdom that breaks this rule. Therefore, every attack for a territory must be announced,and the defending King must be notified by discord in the proper channel. A bird message by the Ravencrest Courier mod is a nice touch for this as well but not required.


These K vs K fights will be scheduled events.  The attacking King obviously has only one choice, and that is obviously one thing, which it which territory he will attack. The defending King has 3 choices. See below.








The defending King has 3  choices/options


1. PVP --He chooses exactly where the PVP  battle will be in that territory. The ratio is unknown and matters not. The risks for the attacker are loss of life and loss of players due to capture. Captured Kings/Queens will be given a daily dice roll chance to escape 40% probability. A defending King can be permanently captured only on his 4th territory loss to that attacking Kingdom. . These PVP battles include thralls. Unknown ratios of players and thralls for both sides. REMOVED ON JAN 29, 2024 An attacking King, if he/she loses the battle, or retreats and none of his thralls are killed during the PVP battle for a territory,  will have 3 thralls destroyed by admin after a failed PVP attack on a territory. (Reason---Attackers must risk something)



An attacking King, if he/she retreats and none of his/her thralls are killed during the PVP battle for a territory, he will lose his closest available territory to the Kingdom that he was attacking. (Reason--among others, Attackers must risk something)


2. Thrall vs Thrall--He can choose a thrall competition to be in whichever Arena he chooses. 3 vs 3., with or without player participation. (new Feb 9 2024)


3. DICE ROLL -----He can choose the roll of the dice.




Dice rolls can be in Conan or Discord. Discord should be used if you want a record of it.


If the weekend passes without either the PVP battle or the thrall war event, dice will be rolled with one player of each Kingdom present.


If the 2 clans fail to roll the dice and/or make the announcement of the victor in discord before Monday 12 AM EST time, , the admin will do it by him/herself, make the announcement, or simply re-draw the map. The redrawn maps can be seen on the proper discord channel


If the defending Capitol city of the Kingdom falls, it FALLS. The attacking Kingdom is awarded the entire Kingdom, and the fate of the buildings and thralls and players and territories and products rest in the hands of the winners. Everything from one clan will be turned over to the winning clan with the click of the admin's mouse.

In regards to the fight between Kings on a capitol city,:


If the attacking side loses the fight for the capitol city, then there is simply no change. -----The attacking Kingdom of course does not fall because of this one battle loss















Fights between a capital city and resident clans of outlying territories within the same Kingdom




(but not living in the capitol city)   ((these players will be their own clan, simply living in one of the Kingdoms territories)


A large advantage is given to the capital city over resident clans living within the kingdom should they be at odds.  The assumption is that the capital city is more established, with more citizens and stronger army, regardless of the actual number of players in either clan. The inequities between capitol city clans and resident clans are listed below.


1.) The capital city may stage a surprise attack and the resident clan may not..

1.a.) The resident  clan must announce when they attack the capitol city when the king is online, and the king has the right to choose whether it will be an even ratio PVP fight, or a fight between thralls. The capital city will have three thralls and the attacking clan will only have two.

2.) The Resident clan is considered toppled after losing any of these fights, defending or attacking, they are toppled regardless

3.)The capitol city is only toppled if they lose a defending effort. The capitol city is not toppled if they lose an offensive effort.

4.) In the case of a thrall war bewteen the oppositions, the capitol city uses 3 thralls and the non loyal clan uses only 2, regardless of who is attacking and who is defending.


 These battles will change the role-play dynamics completely, as the King will no longer be a King if he is toppled. This is not a 3 day limit thing. It is possibly a forever change. The challenge comes with risks and rewards.


Winning makes the challengers the new King or Queen of that Kingdom. You move into the capitol city and you get the throne and all of their stuff. Way to go King-Slayer. You can choose to exile or enslave the capitol city people, or kill them.   Killed people should make a new character to avoid confusion.  A player should be asked before being killed, and if they are oocly oopposed, killing them may result in the loss of a playmate for everyone in the server, so please dont if that is the case. 2 adults please find common ground. 


Losing to the Kings puts the resident clan attackers in shackles or death or exile or slavery. Your belongings completely looted, and if the King wills it, your buildings and your chests destroyed (by admin).

Likely, the winner will call for all of the losers items to be transferred ownership to their clan, and the admin will do it. The losing clan will be abolished completely by admins. You will have to start a new clan when you get a chance and you may even use the same name.











 Rescues of captured clanmates


is allowed in this section. This is purely PVP pew pew, can be done at anytime defenders are at home. However, a successful rescue only nets the rescuers the people they were rescuing. They dont win their items or clan back, and they are not allowed to take any prisoners.








There will always be grey areas that come up, and the admin team will have to add or adjust things from time to time.



The season is over when one King or Queen defeats all other Kingdoms.




Definition of Territorial Battle Victory



This has been long time coming. I knew sooner or later this will have to be defined. How does one win a PVP territorial battle? Literally, so many possibilities. attacking clan invading and building a fort and the defending clan having to go on offense? This is just one example as to why this needs to be defined. How does it start?  When is it over?  When does it end? When is the attackers considered to be defeated?  When are the defenders considered to be defeated?


As you know, the attackers state which territory they are going to attack,and the defenders choose which type of battle... They also choose exactly where the battle begins and they are allowed to go there a day early, or two days, and set up their defense, which could be any number of things. 




The attackers, to declare victory,


1.) finish off or drag off the most highly ranked officer of the defenders... Battle is considered over if you get that ranked officer back into your main for on your territory by traveling across the ground.  No portals allowed. 


2.)drive out the defenders from the territory.  If you decide to pursue them back to their fort, and they capture you then they win that territorial battle...  If you decide not to pursue them and they have fled the territory, and you remain, then you win that territory.  It is possible some of the other fighters from the defenders are still within that territory, but this is not a game of hide and seek.  If you chased one defender out of the territory, and only one, and you stop pursue when he leaves, you win that territory.  Battle over. 



the defenders, to declare victory,


1.) capture or finish off the highest ranking attacker


2.) hold your ground without losing for three hours  (three hours is up for discussion anything between 2 or 3 is most reasonable)




here are some things that are not allowed during these territorial battles.


1.) calling for help in the middle of the battle


2.) returning to battle after getting killed or finished off


3.) returning home and coming back with more fighting thralls


4.) hiding in some obscure place to kill the time.. You must be actively fighting, or moving around.  Hiding in some obscureplace waiting for that three hour timer to expire is not allowed.


5.) Shooting down into a defending fort from a higher place. we must suspend reality even if this is logistically not far-fetched and not do this.


6.) building a defense for on top of something that does not allow the attackers a reasonable amount of space to place their feet on the ground.  Alienating your defense fort on top of some small space on top of the cliff is a logistical loss for you.  They cannot get up but you cannot get down for food and resources.  The gods want bloodshed and fighting anyhow, and nobody can do that if they are clinging to the side of the cliff trying to get to you.




Other potential scenarios.  Should do and shouldn't do


Defenders are allowed to retreat within the contested  territory.  The onus is on the attackers to attack.


Although the defenders may retreat and stay within that territory they are not allowed to go hide in some crevice or clifftop or tree  to wait out the three hours. Of course they may hide for short periods of time only.












To claim a kingdom.png
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